designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. all brand names and product names used book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. the publisher is not associated with any product or vendor...
Издание на английском языке vhf companion 2nd edition features 24 splash proof cards covering every type of radio call - from mayday to calling another boat or shore station. also sara hopkinson covers dsc - by pushing the red button you can automatically summon help and...
we all rely on charts to navigate at sea - but are we missing essential information? a mass of data is included on each chart and deciphering the many symbols and abbreviations can be complicated. the accuracy of some charted depths can be trusted entirely while others should be treated with...
this is a compact and handy summary of all the [url477392]skipper[/url477392] and crew need to know - or find out quickly - when cruising. it covers everything from lights, shapes and sound signals to knots, ropes and engine troubleshooting (and much more). with diagrams and illustrations...
Издание на английском языке. many of us spend years and years in a job we loathe yet we are too afraid of quitting and escaping the rat race and the day-to-day predictability. only those who've experienced it will understand how the daily commute and routine of a regular...
these spiral-bound cards contain all the weather information people find hard to remember such as sea areas, coastal stations, cloud systems, how to predict the weather around lows and highs, times of broadcasts and the terms used in broadcasts. with a chinagraph pencil you can fill in details and...
Удобная книга, содержащая красочные рисунки, макисмум полезной информации при небольшом объеме и формате. Книга изготовлена из 2-х сторонней глянцевой...
these splashproof cards take the mystery out of [url477411]using radar[/url477411] on a small boat for navigation and collision avoidance. a radar screen in the cockpit is the most useful tool for [url819593]navigation[/url819593]. it can show you the land and approaching boats in daylight, in...
a new title to add to our highly successful companion series. it has all the information needed to ensure that diesel boat engines stay in tip-top condition. with clear uncomplicated text, colour photographs and diagrams it simplifies a complicated subject in a new and exciting...
improve a wide range of sailing skills with this highly illustrated guide. popular sailing author [url269391]tom cunliffe[/url269391] teaches sailors how to improve a vast range of sailing skills, from dropping anchor to fixing an engine or using onboard electronics. each chapter deals with a...
the invaluable on-the-water reference guide to the essentials of the racing rules, updated for the latest 2017-2020 [url00-01019768]racing rules of sailing[/url00-01019768]. every racing sailor should have a copy! the book summarises the basic principles, definitions and rules and then covers...
proper planning and preparation prevents pitiably poor performance. any (exasperated) military instructor many leisure craft sail without the skipper preparing a passage plan. under chapter v, regulation v/34 of the [url00-01005629]international convention for the safety of life at sea (solas...
Есть перевод книги на русский под названием [url00-01017825]200 советов яхтенному капитану[/url00-01017825]. dip into any of the 200 tips in this handy book to make yourself a better [url477417]yachtsman[/url477417]. discover practical...
Издание на английском языке. this is a modern sailor’s logbook. fun to use and designed to last a full season, it allows space for electric navigation information and for narrative. it also doubles as a visitors’ book. contents using the logbook abbreviations and...
dinghy sailing is the perfect book if you are new to sailing and want to learn the basics, or are an experienced sailor who wants to broaden your skills and develop your techniques. this easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide is packed with clear illustrations and photographs and contains everything...
Книга на английском языке celestial navigation is one of the oldest of the mariner’s arts - and one of the most awe-inspiring. it is also essential for every ocean sailor who wants to be able to fix his position should the gps fail. tom cunliffe shows you how to master...
the dream of navigators through the ages – always to know exactly where they are and where they are going – has been realised through the global positioning system. this book explains, to the novice or traditional navigator, what the system can and cannot do. you will...
Журнал на английском языке. the first cruising logbook for navigators of powerboats. this book is suitable for both planing and displacement craft. it also doubles as a visitors’ book. Соntents introduction how to use this logbook suggested symbols radio log...
Издание на английском языке one of the reasons why it is so hard to improve your racing is that [url816714]sailing[/url816714] is such a time-intensive sport. if you are running, you can start your training session five minutes after you’ve shut your front door,...
2017-2020 this is the essential guide for the racing sailor. you don’t have to know all the rules off by heart, but you do need to know your rights and obligations on the water - the rules can be looked up afterwards. this book takes you through the key situations that occur repeatedly on the...