the first edition of this book developed from my own experiences when we installed stormalongs present engine in 1990. stormalong is a fairly heavy-displacement gaff cutter, built in 1936 of fine scandinavian redwood and hard english oak. her 6-ton hull is easily driven but really needed a new...
described as the bible of cruising sailors, [url00-01007300]world cruising routes[/url00-01007300] is the definitive reference book for long distance navigators. this totally revised and updated edition has drawn on the latest weather information available to provide the most comprehensive aid to...
Часть книги переведена русский язык под названием [url00-01009596]Руководство по механическим и электрическим системам яхты. Том 1. Электрические системы яхты[/url00-01009596] ...
Издание на английском языке seventy per cent of our planet's surface is covered with water, but most conventional atlases focus on the other thirty per cent. this fascinating and beautifully presented survey of the world's oceans and what lives within them is published in...
Издания на английском языке Издание 2015 года yachtmaster for sail and power is a major reference book that has proved invaluable for the many sailors following the rya coastal skipper/yachtmaster offshore course. this highly respected and refreshingly...
the yachtsman's tidal atlases were developed by michael reeve-fowkes as a comprehensive aid to accurate navigation and were first published as part of the yachtsman's manual of tides in 1983- in compiling these atlases the author studied data from a number of different sources...
Книга на английском языке. В переводе на русский книга называется [url820681]Прогноз погоды здесь и сейчас[/url820681] looking at the sky and forecasting the weather is the traditional pastime of farmers, shepherds and...
this companion volume to [url455655]yachtmaster[/url455655] for sail and power, by the same author, provides further navigation practice for anyone studying the rya yachtmaster syllabus, as well as [url455618]day skipper[/url455618] candidates. it is packed with practice questions and test papers,...
Издание на английском языке. bill anderson, in his foreword to the original incarnation of this book as the rya book of navigation, wrote 'the technology of navigation is under-going considerable change at the moment.' he was dead right. already, we have seen the demise...
the third edition of this multilingual dictionary, specifically designed for yachtsmen, has now been expanded to include english, french, german, dutch, danish, italian, spanish, portuguese, turkish and greek. it covers developments in electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment, grp boat...
although the huge inland [url455597]sea of the mediterranean[/url455597] provides wonderfully diverse cruising opportunities, it can also deliver a few surprises to the unwary. rod heikell is the acknowledged expert on mediterranean sailing and this book, fully updated and revised for the 3rd...
Книга на английском языке . the first edition of outboard engines set the standard for a clear, easy-to-follow primer on engine basics, troubleshooting, care, and repair. this new edition, significantly expanded, brings the subject up to date, with full coverage of the new...
description: he adlard coles book of navigation is aimed at anyone with an interest in navigating small craft,but particularly at those working towards rya day skipper, yachtmaster, motor cruising or advanced powerboatcertificates, or attending the rya radar course.electronics have gained such...
См . также перевод книиги на русский язык [url00-00002971]Маневры в гавани. Шаг за шагом[/url00-00002971] manoeuvring at close quarters is a tricky skill, but this unique step-by-step photographic guide shows helmsmen exactly where to...
astonishingly vivid, painstakingly honest and utterly gripping... a tour de force financial times left for dead by his crewmates in the middle of the deadliest storm in the history of modern sailing, nick ward somehow managed to live to tell his tale. the world famous...
Книга на английском языке this book caters specifically for the needs of prospective buyers of production and custom built boats, outlining the pros and cons of all types of boatbuilding materials. it will help owners decide what material is most suitable for their needs...
when you take up a pastime, you need to know the words. not just the bald, scant definitions but also something of the way people use them in real life. anyone may guess that a man who owns a yacht is a yachtsman, but you might not know that a yachtsman always talks about 'my boat' and never about...