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Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen/Астронавигация для яхтсменов



  • Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen/Астронавигация для яхтсменов
Артикул: 00455243
в желания В наличии
Автор: Mary Blewitt
Издательство: Adlard Coles Nautical (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Вес: 100 г
Вариант исполнения:
  • Год: 2017
    Количество страниц: 78
    ISBN: 978-1-4729-4287-6
  • Год: 2010
    Количество страниц: 72
    ISBN: 978-1-4081-3212-8
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Издания на английском языке
Издание 2010 года

Since the first edition of this bock in 1950 very large changes have taken place in the yachting scene, and even larger ones in the field of navigation. In the past, to circumnavigate the world without ‘astro’ would have been a dangerous hit-or-miss performance. Today, yachts race round the world and across oceans with batteries of computers supplying positions from GPS and other navigational aids without any apparent need for astro. This is fine, provided of course, and it is a very important proviso, that the instruments function correctly and that the batteries stay in a condition to operate the electrons equipment. To say that ocean voyaging is safer with the new instruments is a truism, but just as a driver needs contingency plans for when he has a flat tyre, so a navigator needs a fall-back when his instruments let him down. Offshore, that fall-back must be astro. When the crisis occurs, this book will help lighten the darkness of the navigator struggling with almanac and tables, perhaps for the very first time.
The Theory
Heavenly Bodies
The Geographical Position
Hour Angle
The Zenith
The Horizon
Zenith Distance
The Elevated Pole
Azimuth and Azimuth Angle
Great Circles
Universal Time
The Position Line
The Meridian Passage
Spherical Triangles
The Intercept
Sextant Altitude and True Altitude
The Practice
Almanacs and Tables
A Sun Sight in Winter
Using the Sextant
Recording the Sights
Correcting the Data: Watch Time to UT;
Sextant Altitude to True Altitude
Using the Almanac: LHA Sun from UT
Using the Tables: Assuming a Position;
Declination; Tabulated Altitude and Azimuth
Plotting the Sight
A Sun Sight in Summer
A Moon Sight
Planet Sights
Meridian Sights
Star Sights
Sidereal Hour Angle
Twilight and Preparation
Selected Stars
Precession and Nutation
Using the Meridian Passage
Pole Star Sights
Selecting the Besl Position
Sextant Error: Index Error; Side Error
Spherical Triangles
Concise Sight Reduction Tables
Practice Sights
Plotting Sheets

Издание 2017 года
Huge advances in electronic navigation since the original publication of Celestial Navigation have transported offshore navigators to a world of press-button convenience. Traditional navigation skills - and technology-free position finding - are still vital, though, especially when things go wrong, as they will: batteries fail, antennas go overboard, and electronics get wet. Knowledge of celestial navigation is a life-saving emergency skill; it is also a rite of initiation and its practice still a favorite pastime among serious cruisers. A bestseller for over 65 years, Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen is a model of simplicity and clarity. The only mathematics involved are addition and subtraction, which explains why this book has truly earned its reputation for admirable conciseness and for making a tricky subject easy to understand.
Key to the Diagrams
The Theory
The Heavenly Bodies
The Geographical Position (GP)
Hour Angle (HA)
The Zenith
The Horizon
Zenith Distance
The Elevated Pole
Azimuth and Azimuth Angle
Great Circles
Universal Time (UT)
The Position Line
The Meridian Passage
Spherical Triangles
The Intercept
Sextant Altitude and True Altitude
Semi- Diameter
The Practice
Almanacs and Tables
A Sun Sight in Winter
Using the Sextant
Recording the Sights
Correcting the Data
Sextant Altitude to True Altitude
Using the Almanac: LHA Sun
Using the Tables
Assuming a Position
Tabulated Altitude and Azimuth
Plotting the Sight
A Sun Sight in Summer
A Moon Sight
Planet Sights
Meridian Sights
Star Sights
Sidereal Hour Angle
Twilight and the Preparation of Star Sights
Selected Stars
Precession and Nutation
Using the Meridian Passage
Selecting the Best Position
Sextant Error
Index Error
Side Error
Spherical Triangles
Concise Sight Reduction Tables
Practice Sights
Plotting Sheets
A Nautical Almanac for 27-29 July 1997
B Nautical Almanac for 6-8 December 1997
C Increments and Corrections
D Altitude Correction Tables 10°-90° for Sun, Stars, Planets
E Altitude Correction Tables 0°-35° for the Moon
Altitude Correction Tables 35°-90° for the Moon
F AP3270 Vol 3: LHA, Dec, Hc, d, Z
G AP3270 Vol 1: Selected Stars
H AP3270 Correction Table 5

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