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Guide for Ballast Water Treatment/Руководство по обработке балластных вод

Артикул: 00-01044271
в желания В наличии
Издательство: ABS (все книги издательства)
Место издания: USA
Год: 2022
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 89
Вес: 207 г
2200 P

Книга на английском языке.
This Guide for Ballast Water Treatment is provided for the use of designers, builders, owners and operators of vessels classed with ABS and specifies the requirement for obtaining the optional classification notations Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) and Ballast Water Treatment Plus (BWT+) for vessels equipped with an IMO Member State Type Approved ballast water management system. The BWT notation identifies that the IMO Member State Type Approved ballast water management system has been reviewed and installed in compliance with this Guide and serves to identify a level of compliance with the applicable regulations contained in the IMO “International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004”, as well as those supporting IMO guidelines referenced in the Convention addressing the ballast water management systems. The BWT+ notation is available for those vessels which are equipped with a ballast water management system that, in addition to being type approved by an IMO Member State and evaluated for compliance with the requirements in this Guide, has been fabricated under survey at the manufacturing facility by an ABS Surveyor.

Section 1 General
1 Application
3 Objective/Scope
5 Basis of Notation
7 Classification Symbol and Notation
7.1 Systems Installed Under Survey (1 August 2014)
7.3 Systems Not Installed Under Survey
9 Governmental Regulations (1 August 2016)
9.1 United States Coast Guard Type Approval
11 Alternatives
13 Definitions
Table 1 Categorization of BWMS Technologies
Figure 1 Scope of BWT Guide
Section 2 Classification and Documentation
1 Plans and Documentation
1.1 Ship Plans and Operational Manuals
1.3 Required Specific Certification and Documentation
3 Engineering Review (1 August 2016)
5 Surveys
Table 1
Table 2
Section 3 General Requirements (1 August 2014)
1 Ballast Water Discharge Standards
3 System Certification and IMO Member State Type Approval
5 ABS Approval of BWMS (1 August 2016)

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