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Chesapeake Bay Ports Of Call: A Boating & TravelGuide To Chesapeake Bay's Ports of Call. Порты захода Чесапикского залива: Путеводитель по лодкам и путешествиям по портам захода Чесапикского залива

Артикул: 00455459
в желания В наличии
Автор: Tom Henschel
Издательство: Cruising Guide Publications (все книги издательства)
Место издания: USA
ISBN: 978-1-463513900
Год: 2011
Переплет: Мягкий переплет
Страниц: 100
Вес: 255 г
3300 P
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Издание на английском языке
For the traveler or the mariner searching out a vacationer's or boater's paradise where the seasons are long and the weather mild, the Chesapeake should be at the top of the list of places to visit.
The Bay offers the more adventurous mariner a uniqm opportunity to anchor and enjoy secluded harbors and inlets along most of its navigable waters. And yet, for those who prefer the more active life docked at well run marinas with restaurants, stores, showers, and power hookups there are many worth visiting.
The Bay, in its entirely, covers 64,000 square miles in three states; Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. It receives millions of gallons of fresh water from 150 rivers and their tributaries including the Susquehanna, Potomac, Rappahannock, York, Choptank, and Chester, A statue honoring watermen in the Annmarie Gardens on Solomons Island. which makes it one of the most important ecological regions on the Eastern Seaboard. The Chesapeake is easy to reach by land or water. From the north, the C&D canal, built in 1829, is the simplest route and connects the Delaware River with the upper reaches of the Bay and the charming Chesapeake

Chesapeake Reflections
The western shore
Chesapeake City, MD
North East, MD
Havre de Grace, MD
Baltimore, MD
West River, MD
Fell's Point & Canton, MD
Annapolis, MD
East Port, MD
South & West Rivers, MD
Rockhold & Tracey's Creeks
Herrington Harbour South
Chesapeake Beach, MD
Solomons Island, MD
Urbanna, VA
Irvington, VA
Hampton, VA
Norfolk & Portsmouth, VA
The eastern shore
Georgetown, MD
Fairlee Creek, MD
Rock Hall, MD
Chestertown, MD
Stevensville & The Bay Bridge
Kent Island Narrows, MD
St. Michaels, MD
Knapps Narrows, MD
Oxford, MD
Cambridge, MD
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay
Tangier & Smith Islands, MD / VA
Crisfield, MD

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