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The Admiralty Manual of Seamanship. Адмиралтейское руководство по морскому делу +CD

Артикул: 00269819
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Royal Navy (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
ISBN: 978-1-9069-1533-9
Год: 2010
Переплет: Твердый переплет
Страниц: 778
Вес: 2740 г
8900 P
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Издание на английском языке.
Recognised throughout the world, the 'Admiralty Manuals' have become the leading authority on seamanship, navigation, fire-fighting and survival. Each updated edition caters for the needs of its own time and builds upon the wisdom of its predecessors. This revised version is rooted firmly in the 21st century and caters for modern conditions at sea.
It is fully updated and now includes additional information previously covered in the Admiralty Submarine Seamanship Manual and the (Admiralty) Royal Fleet Auxillary (RFA) Seamanship Manual. Despite the many changes in technology which have taken place over the years, the fundamental principles of good seamanship are unchanging and these sound principles underpin every facet of this book.
This new edition covers up-to-date seamanship knowledge and techniques, relevant to all vessels. It is appropriate for the smallest warship and the largest merchant ship. It is also relevant to submariners, where there is growing activity in commercial submersibles. It is an ideal textbook and reference work for shipping companies, individual ships and all nautical colleges; it is closely aligned with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) examination syllabuses and is used by the MCA as a standard reference.

Chapter 1 General Sea Terms
Chapter 2 Anchors, Cables and Buoywork
Chapter 3 Rigging and Deck Gear
Chapter 4 Towing
Chapter 5 Boats
Section 1 Small Boat Handling
Section 2 Whiskey Class Inflatable Boat
Section 3 Heavy Duty Medium Inflatable Boat (HD MIB)
Section 4 Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) Introduction
Section 5 4.7m Rigid Inflatable Boat
Section 6 5.4m Rigid Inflatable Boat - With Outboard Engine
Section 7 5.4m Rigid Inflatable Boat Mk3 with Inboard Diesel Engine
Section 8 6.5m Pacific 22 Mk2 Rigid Inflatable Boat - Jetpac
Section 9 7.8m Pacific 24 Rigid Inflatable Fast Rescue/Boarding Craft
Section 10 Recovering a Person from the Water Using the Jasons Cradle
Section 11 Boat Lifting Devices
Section 12 Displacement Boats
Section 13 Мехе Flote - Royal Fleet Auxiliary
Chapter 6 Sea Survival
Chapters 1-6 plus these additional chapters are contained in the attached CD
Chapter 7 Replenishment at Sea
Section 1 Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary Section 2 Royal Fleet Auxiliary Specific
Chapter 8 Targets, Decoys, Markers and Recoveries
Chapter 9 Seamanship Organisation and Upkeep
Section 1 Seamanship Organisation in Warships
Section 2 Seamanship Equipment Upkeep and Accident/Incident Reporting in Warships
Section 3 Seamanship Organisation in Submarines
Chapter 10 Helmsmanship
Chapter 11Tactical Communications
Section 1 Communication Management
Section 2 Care and Disposal of Visual Signalling (VS) Stores
Section 3 Ensign, Flags and Pennants
Section 4 Signalling Projectors and Signal Lights

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