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Международные конвенции ИМО в вопросах и ответах для моряков (пособие по английскому языку)

Артикул: 00000193
в желания В наличии
Автор: Мелентьева Е.М.
Издательство: Латстар (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Одесса
ISBN: 966-7553-32-9
Год: 2000
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 104
Вес: 134 г
250 P
С этим товаром покупают

Издание на английском языке
This book is recommended for application in the teaching process for the purpose of systematizing the knowledge of the IMO International Convention by navigators and radio officers.

Part 1. Guidelines on the application of the international safety code
Part 2. International convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers, 1978 with amendments, 1995
Contents of chapters II to VIII of the STCW code (revised)
III Appropriate certificates
Shipboard familiarisation
Crew coordination
Familiarisation in safety matters
IV Minimum rest periods
V GMDSS requirements
English language requirements
VI What are new certification requirements?
VII Uniform standards of competence
Seagoing service
VIII Approach adopted for development of standards of competence
IX Specification of standards of competence
X Ensuring implementation of the revised convention
XI Port state control
Ensuring implementation by governments
Chapter 2
XII Master and deck department
XIII Navigation
4. Navigational equipment
5. Navigational duties and responsibilities
6. Look out
7. Navigation with pilot embarked
8. Protection of the marine environment
Part 3. Resolutions adopted by the conference, guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
XIV Resolution 1 Operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
Taking over the navigational watch
Periodic checks of navigational equipment
Automatic pilot
Electrons navigational aids
Navigation in coastal waters
Clear weather
Restricted visibility
Calling the master
Navigation with pilot embarked
Watchkeeping personnel
Ship at anchor
Part 4. STCW table A-IV/2 specification of minimum standard of competence for GMDSS radio operators
Part 5. MARPOL - 73/78 1992 Amendments to annex I
Part 6. Merchant ship search and rescue manual (MERSAR)
Part 7. International convention on salvage (salvage), 1989
Part 8. Convention on limitation of liability for maritime claims 1976
Part 9. SOLAS-74/78, 1992
Annex 1

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