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The Sail Racing Bible. The Complete Guide for Dinghy and Yacht Racers/Библия парусных гонок. Полное руководство для участников на лодках и яхтах

  • The Sail Racing Bible. The Complete Guide for Dinghy and Yacht Racers/Библия парусных гонок. Полное руководство для участников на лодках и яхтах
Артикул: 00-01104315
в желания В наличии
Автор: Mason Stang, Udi Gal
Издательство: Adlard Coles (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-1-3994-0515-7
Год: 2024
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 306
Вес: 1174 г
3900 P

Издание на английском языке
The book is dedicated to teaching and improving sailing skills, based on the experience and methods of coach Udi Gal. The author shares personal insights from training and competitions, highlighting how Udi's intense coaching style influenced his development as a racer.
It covers both technical aspects of sailing and racing tactics, including preparation for regattas and strategies on the course. The book is intended for sailors of all levels - from beginners to experienced racers - and includes not only technical advice but also personal stories and lessons learned from Udi. The primary goal of the book is to help readers enhance their skills and elevate their level of sailing by utilizing the unique knowledge and experience the author gained under the guidance of his coach.

Introduction by Mason Stang
Part one: Pre-regatta preparation
Chapter 1: On Land
The Morning Of
What Does It Take to Get Your Boat in Racing Shape?
Chapter 2: On the Water: The Racecourse Routine
Overall Breakdown
Part two: Start
Chapter 3: Do Your Homework: The Pre-Start Routine
Step 1: Gather Information
Step 2: Make Your Game Plan
Other Things to Do During the Pre-Start Routine
Chapter 4: Getting into Position
The Eagle Watch
Attacking From Behind
Attacking From Port Tack
Starting at the Ends
Chapter 5: Defending and Upgrading your Position
Defending Against Sharks
Upgrading Your Position
Chapter 6: The Acceleration
Knowing When to Accelerate
How to Accelerate
Chapter 7: Other Tips
Team Communication During the Start
Starting in Shifty Conditions
Starting in Current
Starting Under Penalty Flags
Why We Get Bad Starts
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Overall Timeline
Part three: Upwind
Chapter 9: Off the Line
Assess Your Start
Modes Off the Line
A Note on Boat Speed: Sailing the Modes Upwind
Building the Runway
A Note on Boat Speed: Curving
Play the Course
Chapter 10: The Comeback
Escape Routes
Strategy From the Back
Chapter 11: Executing your Upwind Game Plan
Stay in Clear Air
Stay in Pressure
Open Course vs Closed Course
The 80/20 Rule
Be Deliberate with your Modes
Duck or Lee Bow
A Note on Boat Speed: Tacking
Strategy in Wind Shifts
Engage vs Disengage
Using the Puffs
Upwind Strategy in Current
Zoom In and Zoom Out
Build Scenarios
Play High Percentage Plays
Identify the Most Important Factor
Chapter 12: The Top Mark
Top Mark Tactics
The Downwind Hand-off
Part four: Downwind
Chapter 13: Downwind Sailing at a Glance
The Importance of Tactical Sailing
Chapter 14: Boat Handling and Technique
Modes Downwind
A Note on Boat Speed: Curving Downwind
Dynamic Situations
Half an Angle
Chapter 15: Downwind Distribution
Chapter 16: The First Stage: 'Top Rounding’
The Downwind Hand-off
Set 1: High Mode
Set 2: Optimum VMG
Set 3: Low Mode
Set 4: Gybe Set
Chapter 17: The Second Stage: ‘The Big Chunk'
Time to Gybe
Common Situations
Chapter 18: The Third Stage: ‘The Black Diamond'
The Upwind Hand-off
Approaching the Mark
Inside Overlap
The Dynamics of the Rounding
Common Situations
Part five: Repch
Chapter 19: A Note on Boat Speed: Reaching
Chapter 20: 3 Steps to Success
Step 1: Protect the Windward Lane
Step 2: Go to your Fastest Angle and Set
Step 3: Sail Fast and Clean
Part six: Build your sepson
Chapter 21: Planning Your Schedule and Showing Up to Practice
Chapter 22: Post-Performance Routine
About the Authors
Photo credits

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