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Unmanned ships and the law/Беспилотные суда и законодательство

Артикул: 00-01103628
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Автор: Bulent Sozer
Издательство: Informa Law from Routledge (все книги издательства)
Место издания: New York
ISBN: 978-1-032-05742-2
Год: 2024
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 166
Вес: 415 г
1980 P

Издание на английском языке
The book is devoted to the concept and legal aspects of unmanned vessels, also known as marine autonomous surface vessels (MASS). The author examines the evolution of shipping and vehicles, starting with primitive means of transportation and ending with modern technological advances such as unmanned ships.The book emphasizes that the ship was originally associated with the transportation function, and the author analyzes how this function developed and what legal and environmental problems arose in the process. He also discusses the need to create new legal norms to regulate unmanned vessels, given that at the moment no national legal system has developed such rules. The book focuses on the principles of responsibility and how to develop a liability regime for unmanned vessels. The author seeks to analyze this new technology from a legal point of view, as well as to consider its compatibility with existing norms of international maritime law.

Table of cases
Table of legislation
§1 Basic technical concepts
§2 The control centre and the personnel employed in the centre: two vital elements in unmanned ship operations
§3 Liability regime for unmanned ships
§4 The constitution of the sea: the United Nations convention on the law of the sea (Unclos) and unmanned ships
§5 Insurance

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