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Trireme Olympias. The Final Report/Трирема Олимпия. Заключительный отчет

Артикул: 00-01103623
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Автор: Boris Rankov
Издательство: Oxbow Books (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Oxford
ISBN: 978-1-84217-434-0
Год: 2012
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 256
Вес: 639 г
1650 P

Издание на английском языке
This volume contains reports on the last two series of sea trials of the reconstructed Athens Trier Olympia, which took place in 1992 and 1994. These tests are a continuation of the previous series conducted in 1987, 1988 and 1990, the results of which were published in separate volumes. In addition to the test reports, the book includes brief mentions of significant events related to Olympia, such as her visit to the Thames in 1993 in honor of the 2,500th anniversary of Greek democracy and participation in the Olympic Torch relay before the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004.
The collection also includes papers presented at a conference held in 1998 in Oxford, as well as additional articles that were not presented at the conference or written later. Special attention is paid to the scientific discussions related to the project, including critical articles that emphasize the hypothetical nature of the reconstruction of Olympia. Some authors have expressed doubts about the design and construction of the trier, which underscores the importance of the ongoing debate.

List of Figures
Introduction and Summaries
Boris Rankov
Part 1. The 1992 and 1994 Sea Trials and Other Excursions
The 1992 Sea Trials of "Olympias
1. Olympias 1992 Trials Report
Paul Lipke with John Howarth, Ford Weiskittel and Meph Wyeth
1.1. Introduction: salvaging value from, a failed effort to publish a 1992 Olympias sea trials report
1.2. Some results of Olympias’ 1992 trials and log summary
1.3. Training, section leading and crew leadership in the 1990 and 1992 sea trials
1.4. Olympias 1992-3 repairs and modifications, with lessons for future reconstructions
1.5. Different perspectives on some reported results
1.6. Where the Trireme Project has gone wrong
1.7. Suggestions for future research in the Trireme Project
1.8. A final note: falling victim, to our own success
The 1993 Visit to London
2. Olympias on the Thames, 1993
Boris Rankov
The 1994 Sea Trials of Olympias
3. Report of the 1994 Sea Trials of the Trireme Olympias
Timothy Shaw
4. The Slow Trireme Experience in Olympias in 1994
Andrew Taylor
The 2004 Olympics at Athens
5. Olympias at the Olympics, 2004
Boris Rankov
Part 2. Proposals for a Revised Design
6. Preface to the Proposals for a Revised Design
Timothy Shaw
7. From, the Golden Horn to Heraclea: duration of the passage in calm, weather
Timothy Shaw
8. The Performance of Ancient Triremes in Wind and Waves
Timothy Shaw
9. Towards a Revised Design of a Greek Trireme of the Fourth Century BC: advantages of a long stroke
Timothy Shaw
10. The Proposed Design of any Second Reconstruction
John Coates
Part 3. Critiques of Olympias: For and Against
11. As Seen by a Passer-by
Rene Burlet
12. Comments on Olympias
Edwin Gifford
13. Comments on Olympias
Sean McGrail
14. The Reconstructed Trireme Olympias and her Critics
Anthony J. Papalas
15. Beyond Olympias: an outsider’s view
Andre W Sleeswyk
16. An Un.au thentic Reconstruction
Alec Tilley
Part 4. The Operation and Performance of Ancient Triremes Slipping and launching
17. On Slipping and Launching Triremes from, the Peiraeus Shipsheds and from. Beaches
John Coates
Performance under sail
18. Olympias Under Sail, and other Performance Matters: a practical seaman’s perspective
Douglas Lindsay
Performance under oar
19. On the Speed of Ancient Oared Ships: the crossing of L. Aemilius Paullus from. Brindisi to Corfu in 168 BC
Boris Rankov
20. Xenophon on the Speed of Triremes
Herman Wallinga
21. Triereis under Oar and Sail
lan Whitehead
Performance under oar and the human engine
22. Human. Mechanical Power Sustainable in Rowing a Ship for Long Periods of Time
John Coates
23. Paleo-bioenergetics: clues to the maximum sustainable speed of a trireme under oar
Harry Rossiter and Brian Whipp
Part 5. Aspects of Trireme Construction and Maintenance
24. Uniformity or .Multiplicity? On Vitruvius’ interscalmium
Ronald Bockius
25. The Effect of Bilge Water on Displacement, Vertical Centre of Gravity and Metacentric Height of Olympias in the Trial Condition
John Coates
26. Trireme Life Span and Leakage: a wood technologist’s perspective
Paul Lipke with John Coates
27. Triremes and Shipworm
Paul Lipke
28. Cordone, Contracordone and Hypozomata
Andre W Sleeswyk
Part 6. Recent Research
29. Collision Damage in Triremes
Robin Oldfield
30. The Dimensions of the Ancient Trireme: a reconsideration of the evidence
Boris Rankov
31. Battle Manoeuvres for Fast Triremes
Andrew Taylor

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