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The Modern Law of Marine Insurance. Volume Five/Современное право морского страхования. Том пятый

Артикул: 00-01103616
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Автор: D. Rhidian Thomas
Издательство: Informa Law from Routledge (все книги издательства)
Место издания: New York
ISBN: 978-1-032-21506-8
Год: 2023
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 368
Вес: 919 г
2750 P

Издание на английском языке
The book is the fifth volume of a series devoted to modern legal issues in the field of marine insurance. It contains ten articles written by experts who analyze various aspects of legislation and practice. The volume does not replace previous editions, but complements them by introducing new topics and reflecting changes in the issues already considered. It discusses topics such as the impact of the Insurance Act of 2015, the seizure of a government vessel, the impact of Brexit on jurisdiction, as well as a comparison of American and English law. The book also examines the issues of passenger liability, seaworthiness and insurance of autonomous vessels. It is an important resource for lawyers, brokers and specialists in the field of marine insurance.

Table of Cases
Ta b le of L egis lation
Authors’ Biographies
Chapter 1 Maritime class actions, litigation funding, and the role of after-the-event (ate) insurance
Sarah Derrington
Chapter 2 Insuring remote-controlled and autonomous shipping: a paradigm shift in law and insurance markets required?
Baris Soyer
Chapter 3 Direct and third-party claims against P&I clubs
D Rhidian Thomas
Chapter 4 Neither fish nor flesh nor good red herring: a comparative study of the law relating to marine insurance brokers
Martin Davies
Chapter 5 The development of the law of remedies for an unfair presentation of the risk
Peter MacDonald Eggers
Chapter 6 Insurers and the law of fraud: a success story and the case for regulatory intervention
Johanna Hjalmar'sson
Chapter 7 Implied marine warranties and the insurance act 2015
Robert Merkin
Chapter 8 The proximate causes of loss
Ozlem Giirses
Chapter 9 Marine insurance cover for detainment of vessels by a foreign state: the team tango case
Trine-Lise Wilhelmsen
Chapter 10 Jurisdictional rules and anti-suit injunctions post-brexit: uncertainties and opportunities
Sara Masters and Patrick Dunn-Walsh
Insurance Act 2015
Marine Insurance Act 1906
Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010

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