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The Tudor Navy. The Ships, Men and Organisation, 1485-1603/Флот Тюдоров. Корабли, люди и организация, 1485-1603

Артикул: 00-01103613
в желания В наличии
Автор: Arthur Nelson
Издательство: Conway maritime press (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Great Britain
ISBN: 0-85177-785-6
Год: 2001
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 230
Вес: 847 г
2600 P

Издание на английском языке
The book is devoted to the formation of the Tudor Navy as the founder of the future Royal Navy of Great Britain. It begins with a description of the political chaos after the death of Edward IV and the coming to power of the Tudor dynasty, which led to the establishment of an absolute monarchy in England. In the context of the changing European political situation of the XVI century, the need to create a strong military fleet became obvious. The book is divided into two parts: the first covers the events and development of the fleet under each reign, and the second examines in detail the actions of the fleet during the time of Elizabeth I during the Spanish War. There are also lists of ships with their names and dates, as well as methods for calculating cargo capacity. The book includes formulas for determining tonnage and analyzes changes in the design of ships, which allows a deeper understanding of the evolution of the English fleet.

Prelude dawn of the Tudor dynasty 1483-1509
Part one
Chapter one the navy royal prior to 1485
Chapter two the navy royal of henry vii
Chapter three the navy royal of Henry VIII
Chapter four the navy royal of Edward VI
Chapter five the navy royal of Mary I
Chapter six the navy royal of Elizabeth I
Part two
Chapter seven the Cadiz expedition 1587:
The singeing of the king of Spain’s beard
Chapter eight the armada: England prepares
Chapter nine the armada: the channel battles
Chapter ten the armada: Gravelines, victory and the aftermath
Chapter eleven England retaliates: the Portugese expedition
Chapter twelve the last fight of the revenge
Chapter thirteen the last voyage of drake and Hawkins
Chapter fourteen the end of the dynasty
Glossary of naval terms

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