Издание на английском языке
Originally published in 1984. this book provides a survey of the shipping rules adopted under the auspices of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) during the latter part of the 20th Century. Its scope is wide-ranging. and. since the measures adopted by the IMO cover a great variety of disciplines. the papers in this book are written with clarity and authority by a number of experts.
Foreword by Mr. C.P. Srivastava, Secretary- General of the IMQ
Table of cases
Chapter I - IMO - Structure and future development
1. IMO: Structure, relationship with other organisations and future development
Establishment, Objectives
Functions, Structure
Ratification of the Conventions
Amendments to the Conventions
Budgetary and Diplomatic missions
Relationship with other organisations
Future development
Chapter II - Ship construction and design
2. The conventions on ship construction, design and equipment
(I) The Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, 1974
Objectives - Brief outline
The 1978 Protocol
The 1981 Amendments
Further proposed Amendments
(II) The International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
Scope of application
Survey, Inspection and Marking
3. The tonnage measurement of ships convention, 1969
4. IMO: Codes for Chemical and Gas Carriers
Code for Chemical Ships
Impact of the Chemical Code
Code for Gas Carriers
Impact of the Gas Code
Recent developments
Chapter III - Cargoes and containers
5. The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code
Background development
The IMDG Code
Medical First Aid Guide
Emergency procedures
The dangers of dangerous goods
6. The carriage of radioactive materials
The Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1968
Safety Conventions and Regulations
Conventions on Liability
National rules in the United Kingdom
The application of nuclear and other conventions to maritime transport
7. The International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC)
Efforts for standardisation
Objectives of the SCS
Scope of application
Structural Safety Requirements and tests
Duties under the CSC
Control procedures
Chapter IV - Navigation
8. The law on safe navigation at sea - part I - general rules
Maritime Search and Rescue
Satellite Communication
The Standard Marine Vocabulary
Maritime -Buoyage Systems
Removal of the wreck
Navigational charts
Ship reporting systems
Deep sea pilotage
9. The law on safe navigation at sea - part II - the collision rules
The 1983 Amendments
Further amendments under consideration
Critical review of certain Rules
Rule 1 - Application
Rule 3 - General Definitions
Rule 7 - Risk of collision
Rule 8 - Action to avoid collision
Rule 10 - Traffic Separation Schemes
Rule 18 - Responsibilities between vessels
10. Safety and communications in shipping
The changing scene
The safety problem
The operational problem
Maritime Satellite communications
Chapter V - Training and technical assistance
11. The Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW) Convention, 1978
The Convention
The Annex
The Resolutions
12. Technical assistance
Financing of Technical Assistance projects
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Forms of Assistance
Fields of Assistance
Chapter VI - transport and trade
13. The Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic
The preparation of the Convention
The Convention in outline
The Annex to the Convention
Amendment to the Annex
Measures of facilitation
14. The Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976
Origins of the 1976 Convention
Historical relationship between limitation and ship values
The compromise of 1924
The new approach: "commercial insurability"
The general limits
"Unbreakable limits"
Entry into force
15. The carriage of passengers and the Athens convention in the United Kingdom
Passengers and the regime of Admiralty
Common Law liabilities
Statutory Intervention before the Athens Convention
Liability under the Athens Convention
Limitation of Liability
Application and force of the Convention
Implementation in the United Kingdom
Chapter VII - Protection of the marine environment
16. Intervention at sea
The Intervention Convention
Assessments of the Intervention Convention
The Law of the Sea Treaty and the Intervention Convention
17. Liability for oil pollution from ships
Before 1969
1969 - The Year of CLC
After CLC, the IOPC Fund
1976 to 1978: A Time to improve
The current debate
Limits of liability
The role of IMO
18. The international oil pollution compensation fund
Two steps forward
The structure of the IOPC Fund
Claims handling policy
The IOPC Fund's role regarding harmonisation of law
Contributions to the IOPC Fund
What are the necessary amendments to the Fund Convention?
19. MARPOL 73/78
A brief summary of the Convention
The Annexes
The 19 78 Protocol
Further amendments to MARPOL
20. The carriage of hazardous and noxious substances
Development of an HNS Convention
Substances covered
The party liable
Limit of shipowner's liability
Shipper's liability - definition
Shipper's limit of liability
Scope of application and damage covered
Compulsory insurance