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Austro-Hungarian Battleships and Battleship Designs 1904-1914/Австро-венгерские линкоры и конструкции линейных кораблей 1904-1914 годов

Артикул: 00-01103396
в желания В наличии
Автор: Kramli M.
Издательство: Belvedere Meridionale (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-615-6060-43-3
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 196
Вес: 753 г
2000 P

Издание на английском языке
The book is devoted to the history of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, especially focusing on the warships of this era. It is the result of two decades of research and covers various aspects of naval history, including the design, construction and use of Austro-Hungarian warships.
The author shares his research, which was based on archival materials from Hungary and Austria, as well as on cooperation with international experts in the field of naval history and architecture. The book also includes information about the importance of the Navy for the Austro-Hungarian Empire and its role in international conflicts.
The purpose of the book is to deepen the understanding of the naval history of Austria-Hungary and inspire future research in this field.

The imperial (and) royal navy
The Austro-Hungarian - Italian naval arms race
The Austro-Hungarian naval industry
The almost-dreadnoughts of the dual monarchy the Radetzky class
The Design Process
The Final Design
The Project of the Fourth Armored Cruiser
Financial and Political Background
The Construction of the Radetzky Class
Technical Data of the Radetzky Class
The first and last dreadnoughts of the dual monarchy the Tegetthoff class
The 20,000 Ton Design
The Koudclka-mission
Finalizing the 20,000 Ton Design
The Final Design
Political and Financial Background
The Construction of the Tegetthoff Class
Opinions on the Tegetthoff
The S. M. S. Szent Istvan the Hungarian dreadnougfit
The Ganz and Co. Danubius Shipyard in Fiume
The SchlachtschiffVII
The Name Giving and the Launch
From the Launch to the Commissioning
Opinions on the Szent Istvan
Technical data of the Tegetthoffclass
“The monarch class must be replaced!” The “improved Tegetthoff” class
The Design Process
The Underwater Explosion Test
The Final Design
Political and Financial Background
The Fate of the “Improved Tegetthoff" Class
Technical data of the “Improved Tegetthoff" Class
Austro-Hungarian battleships in peace and war the service career of the Radetzky and Tegetthoff classes
La Belle Epoque
The “French War”
The Eve of the “Italian War”
The Bombardment of Ancona
The Italian War: The Long Stalemate
The Sinking of the Szent Istvan
The Sinking of the Viribus Unitis
End of a Sea Power
Austro-Hungarian heavy naval guns, gun turrets and fire control
Austro-Hungarian Heavy Naval Guns
Gun Turrets
Fire Control
Austro-Hungarian Naval Ranks in 1914 in German, Croatian, Italian and Hungarian and their Contemporary British Equivalents
Austro-Hungarian Deck Designations
Contemporary Periodicals, Tracts and Reference Works
Source of Images

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