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Tank-By-Tank Log Ballast Water/Журнал учета балластных вод каждой цистерны

  • Tank-By-Tank Log Ballast Water/Журнал учета балластных вод каждой цистерны
  • Tank-By-Tank Log Ballast Water/Журнал учета балластных вод каждой цистерны
  • Tank-By-Tank Log Ballast Water/Журнал учета балластных вод каждой цистерны
  • Tank-By-Tank Log Ballast Water/Журнал учета балластных вод каждой цистерны
  • Tank-By-Tank Log Ballast Water/Журнал учета балластных вод каждой цистерны
Артикул: 00-01103107
в желания В наличии
Место издания: Москва
Год: 2025
Формат: А4 (210х297 мм) вертикальный
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Способ скрепления: скрепка
Страниц: 100 (листов: 50) (Рекомендуется 100 стр.)

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Журнал на английском языке
Tank-by-tank logs are not required by the Convention. However, keeping tank-by-tank logs is recommended as a best practice to assist in: completing any BWRF that may be required by a port State, demonstrating that entries in the BWRB reflect the actual ballast water situation on board during any inspection, and implementing the Ballast Water Management Plan more efficiently through more specific knowledge of current tank contents.
Tank-By-Tank Log Ballast Water consists of sections::
I. Exemptions
1-3. Master:
- Name
- From
- To
4-6. Appointed Ballast Water Management Officer:
- Name
- From
- To
II. Diagram of ship indicating ballast tanks
1. Identification of tanks
2. Capacity (cbm)
3. Identification of tanks
4. Capacity (cbm)
III. Record of operations
1. Date
2. Location/Position (Port UN/LOCODE or Lat./Long. at sea)
3. Time started
4. Minimum depth in metres
5. Initial content
6. Estimated uptake from sea
7. Estimated intake from reception facility
8. Estimated, circulated or treated,
9. Estimated discharged into sea
10. Estimated discharged to port Reception facility
11. Final content
12. Time completed
13. Any BW management methods
14. Remarks

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