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Record of Employment for Seafarer/Журнал занятости моряка

Артикул: 00-01103095
в желания В наличии
Место издания: Москва
Год: 2025
Формат: А6 (105x148 мм) вертикальный
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 100
310 P

Журнал на английском и немецком языках
The crew member shall be entitled to receive from the shipowner a statement providing information about the duties performed on board the ship. The statement shall be issued or transmitted to the crew member in German and English at the latest on the day of termination of service on board. In case of ships on which the crews change at short intervals or which regularly call at the same ports, in particular in ferry and tug service, the record of employment only needs to be issued or transmitted on application by the crew member, as well as at the end of the engagement.
Record of Employment for Seafarer consists of:
Information about the crew member
I. Crew member
II. Shipowner
III. Another employer
IV. Ship
V. Service on board
Maritime Labout Act

Seearbeitsbuch besteht aus:
Informationen ?ber das Besatzungsmitglied
I. Besatzungsmitglied
II. Reeder
III. Anderer Arbeitgeber
IV. Schiff
V. Dienst an Bord

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