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Книга на английском языке
Joint Stock Company "Concern "Oceanpribor" was founded by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation № 132 of 03.02.2004 by reorganization of Research Institute "Morfizpribor", that had been established in 1949 based on design bureau of the plant of precision instrument "Vodtranpribor" which started work on June 1, 1 933 and afterwards received the name "Vodtranspribor". Thus, for nearly 90 years these enterprises have provided development and production of sonareguipmentforthe Navy and industries using underwater technologies. Having been the basis for the establishment of a number of new Scientific Research Institutes, design bureaus and plants, in 1966 Research Institute "Morfizpribor" received the status of the Central Scientific Research Institute - head organization in hydroacoustics in the country.
JSC "Concern "Oceanpribor" - leader of Russian hydroacoustics
Multifunction integrated sonar systems (ISS) and sonar systems (SS)
MGK-400 EM (ISS)
Vignette-EM-01 (LF passive SS with towed array for submarines)
MGK-335 EM-03 (ISS for surface ships)
MGK-335 EM-05 (ISS forsurface ships of medium and small displacement)
Vesta-K (SS with dipping antenna for vessels of small displacement)
Vignette-EM (LF active-passive SS for surface ships)
Zarya-ME-02 (ISS for surface ships of "КО RVET" class)
Zarya-M E-03 (ISS forsurface ships of "КО RVET" class)
Zarya-ME-06 (target classification equipment)
Pallada (diver detection SS)
Factor (SS for near-field underwater surveillance)
Iceberg (SS for emergency situation prevention)
MGK-607EM-PD (stationary ISS for protection of territorial waters)
MG-543EM-05 (sound velocimeter)
ROS’-VME (SS with dipping antenna for ASW helicopters)
SS OPO (SS of underwater surveillance)
Mobile integrated sonar system
System of acoustic warning and alert of underwater diversionary forces
Hydroacoustic communication (HC) and direction-finding systems, emergency signaling devices
Structura SV-N-750E (HC and direction finding system)
Structura MG-55ME (HC system)
Structura MG-35E (HC system)
Structura MG-35AE (HC system)
Benshi-E (mobile HC system)
Dialog-IVT (HC equipment)
Schopot (small size HC system)
Vuoksa (communication and diver positioning system)
MGS-ЗОЕ (emergency hydroacoustic signalling device)
Delfin (underwater loudspeaker)
Hydroacoustic navigation systems (HNS)
Korvet- NGAS OBO (HNS of near-field underwatersurveillance)
Veloniya (hydroacoustic positioning system)
Korvet GAL Vector (hydroacoustic doppler log)
Zenit-GAL (hydroacoustic doppler log)
Korvet PEL (surveying echo sounder)
Korvet OE-10 (surveying echo sounder)
Korvet OE-20 (surveying echo sounder)
Korvet NLK (navigation echo sounder)
Korvet MO (autonomous hydroacoustic transponder-beacon)
Korvet-RGNB (navigation sonobuoy)
Korvet-VNB (pop-up navigation sonobuoy)
Search, hydrographic, research integrated sonar systems and sonar systems
Korvet MK MPD-100 (multipurpose mobile system)
Korvet MK MPD-300 (multipurpose mobile system)
MBGAK (small-size onboard sounding ISS for small-size high-speed vessel)
Korvet MLE-10 (on-board multibeam echo-sounder)
Korvet MLE-40 (on-board multibeam echo-sounder)
Korvet GBO-VCH, Korvet GBO-SCH (towed double-frequency side-scan sonar: high frequency and mid-frequency)
Korvet MLE-NCH (multibeam echo-sounder)
Korvet GBO-NCH (on-board low frequency side scan sonar)
Korvet PG-SCH, Korvet PG-NCH (mid-frequency and low frequency profiler)
Korvet-GSO (sector scan sonar)
Korvet Echoledomer (SS for ice thickness measurement)
BMGK-Akvatoria (basic multipurpose ISS)
Piket (system of underwater positioning for engineering purposes and seismic exploration)
Katran (multifunction towed sonar system)
Multibeam echo sounder with function of side scan sonar.
3D-sound-imaging device
Equipment and technologies for enterprises of fuel-energy complex and other industries of the national economy
Gel-filled towed array (streamers for geological prospecting vessels)
MGFK (marine geophysical system with gel-filled towed streamer and sources of elastic vibrations)
Technology of sound energy influence (SEI) for tasks of fuel and energy industry
Mobile hardware-software complex (mhsc) based on autonomous sectional bottom streamers
Hardware-software complex (HSC) based on digital solid-state towed streamers
Module of acoustic positioning
Module of mechanical control
Industrial lighting fittings
Street lighting fittings
Core elements of sonar means (antennas, transducers, buffles)
Sonar antennas of modern integrated sonar systems (ISS) and sonar systems (SS)
Echo-Poisk-SA (spherical array of scanning sonar)
Barracuda (towed array for scientific research vessels and vessels of environmental monitoring)
UMGA (multipurpose module of sonar array)
OGMSM (optical deep-water multifiber muff coupling)
HARDWARE of sonar systems and integrated sonar systems
УШ (wideband power amplifiers)
ВПН 6-ВПН 9 (multichannel power supply units of receiving subsystem devices)
ВПН 14.ВПН 15.ВПН 16 (secondary voltage converters)
MG (multichannel generator)
MGU-A1 (multichannel digital generator device)
SEVRUGA (digital multichannel generator)
Testing equipment and mean
Model testing hydroacoustic basins
Hydrostatic test benches
Mechanical test bench
Ladoga proving ground
Sevastopol deep water ground
Center of hydroacoustic technologies
Working standards
Measuring hydrophones and radiators
Mirazh-E (multipurpose sonar signal simulator)
Korvet-KDG (calibration and verification set)
UM NCH (broadband power amplifer)
Warranty service, repair works
Educational and Training Center of JSC "Concern "Oceanpribor"