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Guide for Bridge Design and Navigational Equipment/Systems/Руководство по проектированию мостов и навигационного оборудования/систем

  • Guide for Bridge Design and Navigational Equipment/Systems/Руководство по проектированию мостов и навигационного оборудования/систем
Артикул: 00-01093115
в желания В наличии
Издательство: ABS (все книги издательства)
Место издания: USA
Год: 2023
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 61
Вес: 145 г
1600 P

Книга на английском языке
This Guide applies to vessels possessing valid SOLAS certificates, and having a bridge so designed and equipped as to enhance the safety and efficiency of navigation. When a vessel is designed, built and surveyed in accordance with this Guide, and found satisfactory, a classification notation as specified in 1/5 will be granted.
См. также Guide for Bridge Design and Navigational Equipment/Systems 2022

Section 1 General
1 Application and Design Basis
3 Operational Assumptions
5 Optional Notations
7 Regulations
9 Flag Administration and National Authorities
11 Definitions
13 Plans and Data to be Submitted
Section 2 Requirements for Notation NBL (Navigation Bridge Layout)
1 General
3 Equipment Design and Construction
5 Bridge Arrangement and Working Environment
7 Tests and Sea Trials
Section 3 Requirements for Notation NBLES (Navigational Bridge Layout and Equipment/Systems) and Notation NBLES+
1 General
3 Documentation, Type Approval and Performance Standards of Navigational Equipment
5 Manual Mode of Operation
7 Alarm Systems
9 Computerized Equipment
11 Power Supply
13 Navigational Systems
15 Propulsion Engine/thruster Controls
17 Telephone System
19 Nautical Radio Communication System
21 Workstations - Required Equipment
23 Operation/Technical Manual
25 Tests and Sea Trials
27 Survey After Construction
Table 1 Navigational Equipment for NBLES Notation
Table 2 Additional Navigational Equipment for NBLES+ Notation
Section 4 Requirements for Notation NBLES (COS) (Navigational Bridge Layout and Equipment/Systems for Coastal and Offshore Services)
1 General
3 Plans and Data to be Submitted
5 Navigation Bridge Design and Layout
7 Bridge Equipment
9 Human Element
11 Survey Requirements
Table 1
Figure 1 Field of View Around Vessel
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6 Typical Bridge Arrangement
Section 5 Requirements for Notation NIBS (Navigational Integrated Bridge System)
1 General
3 Integrated Bridge System (IBS)
5 Centralized Bridge Workstation
7 Central Alarm Panel
9 Route Planning Workstation
11 Conning Information Display
13 Navigational System Requirements
15 Operation/Technical Manual
17 Workstations - Required Equipment
19 Tests and Sea Trials
21 Survey After Construction
Table 1 Navigational Equipment for NIBS Notation
Appendix 1 IMO Resolutions Referenced in this Guide

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