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Sumed Arab Petroleum Pipelines Company

Артикул: 00-01092053
в желания В наличии
Год: 2016
Формат: 215х280
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 109
Вес: 275 г
1000 P

Книга на английском языке
The purpose of this guide is to outline for owners, charterers and Masters of vessels calling at Ain Sukhna Marine Terminal the general nature of conditions, facilities, services and procedures that should be respected at the Terminal. It does not replace or modify official publications
Information furnished herein may be revised from time to time. It is the further responsibility of Ship's Master to ensure that they are using the latest version of this manual. Any substantive change to port regulations, practices or procedures will be manifested in the form of supplemental addition or corrections to this manual and will be promulgated on SUMED website as soon as practicable.

Receipt for port manual
Front page
Preface & company addresses
Terms and abbreviations used in this manual
Part 1 – Location
Part 2 – Description
Part 3 – Communications
Part 4 – Pilotage & berthing
Part 5 – Mooring and unmooring instructions
Part 6 – Hose connecting and disconnecting instructions
Part 7 – Discharging operation
Part 8 – Port facilities
Part 9 – Port requirements
Part 10 – Port Safety Regulations
Part 11 – Meteorological conditions
Part 12 – Navigation
Part 13 – Responsibility of vessel, master and owners
Part 13 – Tanker minimum safety requirements
Part 15 – Cargo loading operations
List of appendixes

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