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This guide provides the international practitioner and in-house counsel with a comprehensive worldwide legal analysis of shipping laws and regulations.
It is divided into two main sections:
Five general chapters. These chapters are designed to provide readers with an overview of key issues affecting shipping law. particularly from the perspective of a multi-jurisdictional transaction.
Country question and answer chapters. These provide a broad overview of common issues in shipping laws and regulations in 44 jurisdictions.
All chapters are written by leading shipping lawyers and industry specialists, and we are extremely grateful for their excellent contributions.
Special thanks are reserved for the contributing editor Ed Mills-Webb of Clyde & Co LLP for his invaluable assistance.
Global Legal Group hopes that you find this guide practical and interesting.
General Chapters:
1 Unsafe Ports and the “OCEAN VICTORY”: What is an ‘Abnormal Occurrence’? - Ed Mills-Webb & Mark Tilley. Clyde & Co LLP
2 Maritime Liens: Update on Recent Decisions of U.S. Courts Following the Collapse of O.W. Bunker - John R. Keough & George G. Cornell. Clyde & Co US LLP
3 Risks in the Offshore Energy Industry in Mexico - Daniel Aranda & Alejandro Gomez-Strozzi, Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP
4 Terms and Conditions: The Importance of Clarity and Certainty - Donald Chard, BIMCO
5 Updating the Baltic Code - Mark Jackson, The Baltic Exchange Country Question and Answer Chapters:
6 Angola VdA Vieira de Almeida | Angola Counsel: Joao Afonso Fialho & Josti Miguel Oliveira
7 Australia HEW: Hazel Brewer & Nic van der Reyden
8 Belgium Kegels & Co: Andre Kegels
9 Brazil Clyde & Co: Stirling Leech
10 Canada Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP: John W. Bromley & Andrew J. Stainer
11 Chile Tomasello у Weitz: Leslie Tomasello Weitz
12 China Goodwell & Co.: William Lupo & Tan Jie
13 Colombia FRANCO & ABOGADOS ASOCIADOS: Javier Franco
14 Croatia VUKIC & PARTNERS: Gordan Stankovic
16 Dominican Republic Q.E.D INTERLEX CONSULTING SRL: Luis Lucas Rodriguez Perez
17 France LERINS & BCW: Laurent Garrabos
18 Germany Fleet Hamburg LLP: Dr. Christoph Hasche
19 Greece Liouta & Partners Law Finn: Marina D. Liouta & Avraam Papadimos
20 Hong Kong Clyde & Co: Matthew Lam & KinCheung Kung
21 India Mulla & Mulla & Craisie Blunt & Caroe: Shardul Thacker
22 Indonesia Budidjaja International Lawyers: Jirni Dani & Ваша Djokonugroho
23 Ireland Noble Shipping Law: Helen Noble
24 Italy Dardani Studio Legale: Marco Manzone & Lawrence Dardani
25 Japan Hiratsuka & Co.: Makoto Hiratsuka & Yuji Miyazaki
26 Korea Law Offices CHOI & KIM: J. H. Choi & S. W. Park
27 Malta Dmsli & Dinsli: Dr. Tonio Grech & Dr. Fleur Delia
29 Mozambique VdA Vieira de Almeida | Guillieime Daniel & Associados: Joao Afonso Fialho & Jose Miguel Oliveira
30 Netherlands Van Traa Advocaten N.V.: Vincent Pool & Jolien Kniit
31 New Zealand Izard Weston: John Burton & Emmet Maclaurin
32 Nigeria Bloomfield Law Practice: Adedoyin Afun
33 Norway Wikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS: Gaute Gjelsten & Morten Lund Mathisen
34 Panama Alias, Fabresa & Fabresa: Jorse Loaiza III
35 Peru Esmdio Area & Paoli Abogados: Francisco Area Patino & Carla Paoli Consisliere
36 Poland Rosicki, Gmdzinski & Co.: Maciej Gmdzinski & Piotr Rosicki
37 Portugal Ana Cristina Pimentel & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, SP. RL: Ana Cristina Pimentel
38 Russia LEX NAVICUS CONCORDIA: Konstantin Krasnokutskiy
39 Singapore Clyde & Co Clasis Singapore Pte Ltd: Gerald Yee & Andrew Gray
40 Sri Lanka D. L. & F. DE SARAM: Jivan Goonetilleke & Savantha De Saram
41 Sweden Advokatfiiman Lindahl KB: Philip Tonkin & Elias Himsel
42 Taiwan Lee and Li, Attomeys-at-Law: Daniel T.H. Tsai & James Chang
43 Tanzania Clyde & Co Tanzania: Peter Kasanda & Iain Boyle
44 Turkey Esenyel&Partners Law Firm: Selcuk S. Esenyel
45 Ukraine BLACK SEA LAW COMPANY: Evgeniy Sukachev & Anastasia Sukacheva
46 United Arab Emirates Hamdan Alshamsi Lawyers & Legal Consultants: Dr. Ghandy Abuhawash
47 United Kingdom Clyde & Co LLP: Ed Mills-Webb
48 USA Gardere Wyime Sewell LLP: Peter A. McLauchlan & Anacarolina Estaba
49 Venezuela Sabatmo Pizzolante Abogados Maritimos & Comerciales: Jose Alfredo Sabatino Pizzolante & Ivan Dario Sabatmo Pizzolante