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Maritime Welding Handbook/Руководство по сварке в море. 14th edition, 2nd revision

Артикул: 00-01091087
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Wilhelmsen Ships Service (все книги издательства)
Год: 2009
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 556
Вес: 769 г
1600 P

Книга на английском языке
A ship at sea depends upon the knowledge, skills and self-reliance of the crew to carry out necessary maintenance and repair work. One of the important skills required is a good command of modern welding techniques.
The purpose of the Welding Handbook for maritime welders is to provide guidance in modern welding and related processes and to provide the welder with a source of practical information on the right solution to specific onboard welding problems.

1 Safety in welding
2 Solutions
2.01 Introduction & quick guides to processes
2.02 Filler material consumption
2.03 Metal identification
2.04 Unalloyed / low alloyed steel
2.05 Problem steels
2.06 Stainless steels
2.07 Cast iron
2.08 Copper and copper alloys
2.09 Aluminium
2.10 Evaluation of welds
3 Consumables
3.01 Coated Electrodes
3.02 TIG Welding Rods & Fluxes
3.03 Wires for Wire Welding
3.04 Gas Welding Rods & Fluxes
3.05 Brazing Rods & Fluces
3.06 Cold Repair Compounds
4 Arc welding and cutting process&equipment
4.01 Electrode welding & gouging
4.02 TIG Welding
4.03 Wire Welding
4.04 Plasma Cutting
4.05 Current Distribution System
5 Gas welding and cutting process&equipment
5.01 АС/OX cutting, welding, brazing
5.02 Gas Supplies and gas distribution system
6 Miscellaneous information

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