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A practical and user-friendly guide to the collision regulations, with full interpretations of the rules and clear diagrams.
A thorough understanding of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (ColRegs) is essential for a wide range of professionals as well as amateur mariners. Written in legal text rather than easy to understand terminology, it is not a surprise that the Colregs are subject to gross misunderstanding and confusion. This makes this a difficult area for the thousands of mariners who need to learn, understand and remember them.
This handbook is the answer. Expert marine training director Simon Jinks provides straightforward explanations of the complex situations that the Regulations discuss. He gives simple and comprehensive interpretation of the ColRegs rule by rule, giving students and professionals the clarity they need for exam prep and dealing with real-life situations. Colour illustrations of all lights and shapes, and clear diagrams provide additional support for students. The handbook also includes chapters on bridge watch-keeping, radar plotting and techniques for answering ColRegs questions in MCA exam conditions. It shows you where other maritime regulations work hand-in-hand with ColRegs.
Simon Jinks is an experienced teacher of ColRegs to students who are studying for MCA Masters, OOW, Boat master and Chief Mates exams, plus those who are studying for RYA Yachtmasters and IYT Master of Yacht Qualifications and want to have an in-depth knowledge. The book adapts the author's teaching notes, developed over many years, with added extras around the subject to help in greater understanding.
Part A General
Part B Steering and Sailing Rules
Section I – Conduct of vessels in any conditions of visibility
Section II – Conduct of vessels in sight of one another
Section III – Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
Part C Lights and shapes
Part D Sound and light signals
Part E Exceptions
Part F Verification of compliance
Annex I Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes
Annex II Additional signals for fishing vessels. Fishing in close proximity
Annex III Technical details of sound signal appliances
Annex IV Distress signals
Exam preparation
Radar and basic plotting
MGN 324 Operational guidance on the use of VHF radio and Automatic Identification Systems at sea
MGN 364 Traffic separation schemes – application of Rule 10 and navigation in the Dover Strait
MGN 369 Navigation in restricted visibility
MGN 379 Use of electronic navigation aids