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Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Inland Waterways Ships/Правила и положения по классификации судов на внутренних водных путях

Артикул: 00-01090513
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Lloyd's Register (все книги издательства)
Год: 2023
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 609
Вес: 1670 г
2300 P

Книга на английском языке
The Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Inland Waterways Ships (IWW) were developed for but are not limited to ships operations on European inland waterways. These Rules are now applied more broadly. The IWW Rules include parts on:
Dry Cargo Ships
Ferries and Roll on-Roll off Ships
Tankers Carrying Dangerous Liquids in Bulk
Tankers of Type G, C and N
Water Tankers, Wine Tankers and Edible Oil Tankers
Tugs, Pusher Tugs and Launches
Passenger Ships

Part 1 Regulations
Part 2 Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Machines
Part 3 Ship Structures (General)
Part 4 Ship Structures (Ship Types)
Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery
Part 6 Control, Electrical and Fire

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