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Cargo Stowage and Securing: A Guide to Good Practice/Размещение и крепление груза: Руководство по передовой практике

Артикул: 00-01090205
в желания В наличии
Автор: Charles Bliault
Издательство: North of England P&I Association Limited (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-0-9546537-8-1
Год: 2007
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 112
Вес: 144 г
2040 P

Книга на английском языке
The proper, adequate and satisfactory stowage and securing of items of cargo are of the utmost importance for the safety of the crew, the carrying ship, and the items of cargo themselves. If items of cargo are not stowed and secured in a proper manner, bearing in mind the intended voyage and the time of year, those items of cargo might shift from their stowage position, and damage might be sustained by the item of cargo or the ship, or ship’s staff might suffer injury.
This guide will take the reader through some basic rules to be remembered on every occasion during the loading and securing of cargo, will describe where regulations, recommendations and general guidance can be found, will describe recommended methods to be used for particular items and types of cargo, and will then give some guidance upon the points to be remembered during passage-planning and the voyage itself. It is not intended that this guide will give details of precisely how to secure any particular items of cargo.

1. Introduction
2. General information
Basic rules to be followed
Where the regulations, recommendations and guidance can be found
The code of safe practice for cargo stowage and securing
Cargo securing manual
Movement of a ship in a seaway
The ship and its movement - effects on cargo
Stowage arrangements
Lashings, Dunnage, Friction and Slide or Tip Over
Rule-of-thumb and advanced methods
Tank-top strength calculations
3. Cargo-specific information
Break-bulk items
Steel products
Heavy-1 ift items and project cargo
Ro-ro cargo items
Timber cargoes - on and under deck
Containers - on and under deck - container and non-container ships
4. The voyage
Loading and securing
Passage planning
Actions during the voyage
I SOLAS chapter VI, part A, regulation 5
II Guidelines for the Preparation of the Cargo Securing Manual, preamble
III Advanced calculation method
IV Advanced calculation method - worked example
V Advanced calculation method - blank form
VI Bibliography

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