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Echoes from the Deep. Inventorising shipwrecks at the national scale by the application of marine geophysics and the historical text/Эхо из глубин. Изучение значения кораблекрушений в национальном масштабе с применением морской геофизики и исторического текста

  • Echoes from the Deep. Inventorising shipwrecks at the national scale by the application of marine geophysics and the historical text/Эхо из глубин. Изучение значения кораблекрушений в национальном масштабе с применением морской геофизики и исторического текста
Артикул: 00-01049618
в желания В наличии
Автор: Innes McCartney
Издательство: Sidestone Press (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-94-6426-117-2
Год: 2022
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 260
Вес: 803 г
3500 P

Книга на английском языке
In a process analogous with the impact of aerial photography on landscape archaeology, survey by multibeam (a form of marine geophysics) is pinpointing the remains of thousands of shipwrecks across the seabed of the globe. This volume describes a multidisciplinary research project that set out to establish whether a large tranche of the shipwrecks in a given geographic region could be identified by name through the mutual study of the 3D models of the shipwrecks, alongside the historic text of shipping losses in the same area.

List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction: Echoes from the Deep
Introduction: Flying over a shipwreck in an undersea landscape
Echoes from the Deep: A research project
The Application of MBES survey to Shipwreck Archaeology
Shipwreck archaeology at the regional scale
Bangor University’s School of Ocean Sciences: SEACAMS2 and the role of archaeology
The selected shipwreck dataset for the research
Framing a research methodology
2. Researching and databasing the historical text
Creating archival shipwreck databases and shapefiles
The historic text and the extent of shipping losses in the study area
Technical and textual data from the historical text
3. The Research Phase 1: Establishing the extent of the unknown shipwrecks
The UK Hydrographic Office shipwreck database – its history and purpose
UKHO categorisation of shipwreck identities
The UKHO wreck cards
Research Phase 1: Establishing an accurate list of the UNKNOWN wrecks
Phase 1 results and the extent of the legacy challenge
Phase 1 conclusions
4. The Research Phase 2: Identifying the unknown shipwrecks
The (MBES/Archive) criterion, its design and purpose
The (MBES/Archive) assessment process
The shipwreck datasheets
Case studies
Drawing the Phase 2 process to a conclusion
Phase 2 results
Phase 2 conclusions
5. Conclusions, impact, and significance
Archival research phase
Archaeology Phase 1 and the UKHO legacy challenge
Archaeology Phase 2: towards a national shipwreck inventory
Cost of fieldwork and research
Concluding remarks
Appendix 1
Appendix 2

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