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Guidance Notes on Composite Repairs of Steel Structures and Piping/Руководство по комплексному ремонту стальных конструкций и трубопроводов

Артикул: 00-01046617
в желания В наличии
Издательство: ABS (все книги издательства)
Место издания: USA
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 67
Вес: 157 г
1800 P

Книга на английском языке.
This Chapter is applicable to the use of composite repairs on site-specific offshore units such as FPSOs and FSOs. It provides guidelines on adhesively bonded composite repairs of the steel structures. It covers assessment, design, qualification, installation and inspection of a bonded repair. This Chapter does not cover aluminum structures, even though this guidance may also be applicable to aluminum structure repairs. These Guidance Notes provide an alternative to regular hot work renewal, where the hot work is considered risky to the offshore unit’s operation. Instead of using hot welding, an existing degraded steel structure can be repaired to restore the integrity of the structure by utilizing patches of composite material, steel plates, or other structural materials that are bonded to the degraded steel structure.

Chapter 1 Composite Repairs of Steel Structures
Section 1 General
Section 2 Assessment for Repair
Section 3 Repair Design
Section 4 Materials and Qualification
Section 5 Repair Installation and Quality Assurance
Section 6 Inspection, Monitoring and Survey
Chapter 2 Composite Repairs of Piping
Section 1 General
Section 2 Repair Design
Section 3 Repair System Qualification
Section 4 Repair Installation and Quality Assurance
Section 5 Inspection, Survey, Monitoring and Maintenance

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