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Handbook on Marine Environment Protection/Справочник по охране морской среды

Артикул: 00-01044532
в желания В наличии
Автор: Markus Salomon, Till Markus
Издательство: Springer (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Switzerland
ISBN: 978-3-319-60156-4
Год: 2018
Страниц: 1018
Вес: 2686 г
2750 P

Книга продается в электронном виде.
Книга на английском языке.
This handbook is the first of its kind to provide a clear, accessible, and comprehensive introduction to the most important scientific and management topics in marine environmental protection. Leading experts discuss the latest perspectives and best practices in the field with a particular focus on the functioning of marine ecosystems, natural processes, and anthropogenic pressures. The book familiarizes readers with the intricacies and challenges of managing coasts and oceans more sustainably, and guides them through the maze of concepts and strategies, laws and policies, and the various actors that define our ability to manage marine activities. Providing valuable thematic insights into marine management to inspire thoughtful application and further study, it is essential reading for marine environmental scientists, policy-makers, lawyers, practitioners and anyone interested in the field.

Volume 1
Part I Natural Science Basics
1 Introduction into Physical Oceanography
2 Ecological Organization of the Sea
3 Marine Ecosystem Services
Part II Impacts of Sectoral Marine Activities
4 Impact of Fishing Activities on Marine Life
5 Mariculture
6 Shipping
7 Impacts of Coastal Developments on Ecosystems
8 Offshore Oil and Gas Production and Transportation
9 Exploitation of Offshore Wind Energy
10 Dredging for Navigation, for Environmental Cleanup, and for Sand/Aggregates
11 Environmental Risks of Deep-sea Mining
12 Dumped Chemical Weapons
13 Marine Climate Engineering
Part III Impacts of Land-Based Activities
14 Agriculture
15 Land-Based Industries
16 Land-Based Wastewater Management
17 Tourism
Part IV Pollution from Diffuse Sources
18 Climate Change: Warming Impacts on Marine Biodiversity
19 Ocean Acidification
20 Pollution with Hazardous Substances
21 Pollution with Radioactive Substances
22 Eutrophication
23 Marine Litter
24 Input of Energy/Underwater Sound
25 Introduction of Non-indigenous Species
Volume 2
Part V Social Drivers, Developments, and Perspectives of Increasing Ocean Uses
26 A Short History of the Use of Seas and Oceans
27 Factors Behind Increasing Ocean Use: The IPAT Equation and the Marine Environment
Part VI General Aspects of Management and Governance of Human Activities
28 Challenges and Foundations of Sustainable Ocean Governance
29 Institutional Framework for Marine Environmental Governance
30 International Principles of Marine Environmental Protection
31 Overview of Management Strategies and Instruments
32 Future Prospects of Marine Environmental Governance
Part VII Traditional Marine Management Topics
33 The International Legal Framework for Conservation and Management of Fisheries and Marine Mammals
34 Aqua- and Mariculture Management: A Holistic Perspective on Best Practices
35 Offshore Oil and Gas Exploitation
36 Sustainable Shipping
37 Management of Hazardous Substances in the Marine Environment
38 Origin and Management of Radioactive Substances in the Marine Environment
39 Waste/Litter and Sewage Management
40 Coastal and Ocean Tourism
Part VIII Emerging Management Topics
41 The Greening of Ports
42 Offshore Windfarms
43 Wave and Tidal Energy
44 Deep-Seabed Mining
45 Marine Biodiversity: Opportunities for Global Governance and Management Coherence
46 Marine Protected Areas: Global Framework, Regional MPA Networks and a National Example
47 Marine Environmental Protection and Climate Change
48 Management of Non-indigenous Species and Invasive Alien Species
49 Integrating Sectoral Ocean Policies
50 Marine Scientific Research
51 An Emerging Environmental Issue: Marine Discharge of Mine Tailings
52 Managing and Regulating Underwater Noise Pollution
53 Marine Geo-Engineering
54 Marine Spatial Planning

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