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TS-630 Three-arm protractor. Logbook and approval list/Трехплечий протрактор. Журнал регистрации и список согласований

Артикул: 00-01042573
в желания В наличии
Место издания: Китай
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 7
Вес: 20 г
150 P

Книга на английском языке.
This logbook is recorded the identification about each item on the technical parameter of the instrument, before this instrument have been left the factory. This instrument is met in accordance with technical standard, used by approved after adjusting the instrument.
This instrument will supply every hand specific record in adjusting and remedying breakdown on the spot, during using it and proceeding in periodic appraisel. This instrument can supply reliable information when it will be transferred to the new environment. At the same time we can be in accordance with information which is recorded in the logbook, so that we are sure merits and demerits of this instrument at the construction, it is good way to supply valuable information which continues changing the construction of the instrument in the future.

I. Application
II. Registen in the logbook and caution
III. Specification
Appraisal Result
Appraisal information of the instrument for every time as follow
Logbook List
Transferring of the instrument
List of spare parts and accessories

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