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Bulk Cargoes. A Guide to Good Practice/Насыпные грузы. Руководство по передовой практике

Артикул: 00-01041683
в желания В наличии
Автор: Charles Bliault, Martin Jonas
Издательство: The North of England P&I Association Limited (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
ISBN: 978-0-9574936-3-6
Год: 2015
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 282
Вес: 1085 г
2800 P

Книга на английском языке
For more than 100 years some cargoes such as grain and coal have been shipped around the world in bulk. The range of cargoes carried in bulk has increased dramatically during recent decades, rising to over 3 billion tonnes a year. The types of bulk cargoes carried - in addition to grain and coal - now include animal foodstuffs, fertilizers, mineral concentrates and ores, scrap metal and biofuels such as wood pellets. The vast majority of bulk cargo voyages are completed without incident but there have been many occasions when things have not gone to plan. In some instances the cargo suffered damage but there was no harm done to the ship or the crew. On other occasions the ship suffered damage as a result of the cargo shifting. Unfortunately some ships have been lost with all hands because of problems with the cargo or because of defects or damage to the ship.

1. Introduction
2. General information
Basic rules to be followed
Types of ships
Terms in general use
3. Safety, rules and regulations
Where the regulations, recommendations and guidance can be found
International Grain Code
BLU Code and BLU Manual
ISM Code
4. Operations and maintenance
Hatch covers and other weather deck openings
Hold cleanliness, cleaning and maintenance
On/off-hire, condition, bunker and pre-loading inspections
Ships’ cargo gear, operation and maintenance
Ballast, bilge and wash water, and cargo residues
5. Identification, care and carriage
Identification, care, apparent condition and trimming of cargo
Measurement and monitoring of cargo weight
Distribution of cargo and ballast - structural damage hazard
Voyage procedures, plans and records
6. Understanding the hazards
General comments and guidance
Fine particulate materials - liquefaction hazard
Other materials not listed - liquefaction hazard and chemical hazard
Various materials - chemical and other hazards
Clean cargoes
Dirty cargoes
7. Cargo-specific information
Brown coal briquettes
Coal slurry
Direct-reduced iron (DRI)
Iron ore
Seed cake
8. The voyage
General principles
Safety management system requirements
Weather-deck arrangements
Cargo gear
Hold lighting
Identification of the cargo
Care and carriage requirements
Hold cleanliness requirements
Hold preparation
Calculations and plans - loading
The BLU Code - loading
Loading operations
Fumigation requirements
Ventilation requirements
Bilge and ballast water
Calculations and plans - discharge
The BLU Code - discharge
Discharge operations
9. Guide to basic records
Preparation period
Pre-arrival period - loading
Period alongside - loading
Fumigation of cargo
The voyage
Pre-arrival period - discharge
Period alongside - discharge

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