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Man has benefited from the sea in various ways. The sea has been the source of food, ornaments as well as provided means of transportation. Conquests and defences have been carried out on water. Water-based leisure activities are becoming more common and varied. Lately, man has innovated the use of the sea beyond those traditional applications. The sea has now become a primary source of petroleum, gas and lately marine renewable energy.
Table of Content
Table of Content
Chapter 1 Ship Types, Basic Terms, Terminologies and Symbols
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of ships
1.3 Basic Terms, Terminologies and Symbols
1.3.1 Reference positions:
1.3.2 Linear Dimensions
1.3.3 Size of Ships
1.3.4 Form Coefficients
1.3.5 Centroids
1.4 Ship Lines Plan
1.4.1 The importance of Ship Lines Plan
1.4.2 Body Plan
1.4.3 Half Breadth Plan
1.4.4 Profile / Sheer Plan
1.4.5 Offsets Data
1.5 Ship Geometry Coordinate System
Chapter 2 Hydrostatics and Floatation
2.1 Archimedes Principles of Floatation
2.2 Reduction of Weight of Immersed Objects
2.3 What makes a ship float?
2.4 Effect of Density
2.5 Some Simple Problems
2.6 Tonne per centimeter immersion (TPC)
2.7 Hydrostatics Particulars
2.8 Hydrostatic Particulars of a Ship
2.9 Using Hydrostatic Curves and Tables
2.10 Bonjean Curves
2.11 Cross Sectional Area Curve
2.12 Second Moments of Areas
Chapter 3 Basic Stability Consideration
3.1 Introduction
3.2 What is stability?
3.3 Longitudinal and Transverse Stability
3.4 Basic Initial Stability: The role of GM
3.5 Determining the Centre of Gravity of ships after loading
3.6 Effect of movement or addition of weights on centre of gravity
3.7 Hanging Weights, The Use Of Derricks And Cranes
3.8 Free Surface Correction
3.8.1 The Effect of Free Surface on Ship Stability
3.8.2 Calculating Second Moment of Area
Chapter 4 Transverse Stability
4.1 List due to movement of weights onboard
4.2 Finding list after loading and unloading
4.3 Correcting Lists by moving or adding weight