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Pathways to Sustainable Low Carbon Shipping/Пути к устойчивому низкоуглеродному судоходству

Артикул: 00-01039382
в желания В наличии
Автор: Georgios Plevrakis, Sotirios Mamalis, Lefteris Karaminas, Evon Li, Domenic Carlucci, Gareth Burton, Modesto Lezama, Nikolaos Lamprinidis, Dafni Sofiad
Издательство: ABS (все книги издательства)
Место издания: USA
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 107
Вес: 272 г
1300 P

Издание на английском языке
International shipping is facing the critical challenge of sustainability in response to global regulations for pollution prevention and protection of the aquatic environment. During the past 30 years, the enacted regulations were shaped in equal parts by responses to environmental incidents, disruptive periods of technological innovation and changing priorities among marine regulators, all of which were intended to improve operational efficiency, protect the environment or enhance workplace safety.

Emission regulations
Technical Approach
Operational Approach
Assessment of Impacts on States
Alternative Fuels
Energy market forecast
Energy Market Forecast
The link between trade and technology choices
How taxonomies lead to fuel pathways
The Light Gas Pathway
The Heavy Gas and Alcohol Pathway
The Bio/Synthetic Fuels Pathway
Light gas pathway
Current State of the Art
Medium-Term Development
Long-Term Development
Heavy gas and alcohol pathway
Current State of the Art
Medium-Term Development
Long-Term Development
Bio/synthetic fuel pathway
Current State of the Art
Medium- and Long-Term Development
Carbon capture and sequestration
Hybrid electric power
Operational Flexibility
Current Developments and Applications
Fuels cells
Operational Flexibility
Current Development and Applications
DC systems
Operational Flexibility
Current Developments and Applications
Global trade and its effect on decarbonization of shipping
Cargo Demand and Fleet Emissions
Just-in-time and optimum ship routing
The Case for JIT Shipping
The Case for OSR
Finding a company pathway towards decarbonization
Design study of future vessels
Ship Designs
Preliminary Assessment of Ammonia Fueled Ships
The 2020 Baseline Ships
The 2030 Liquid Biofuel Ships
The LNG Ships
The 2030 Ammonia Ships
The 2030 Hydrogen Ships
Outlook conclusions
ABS activities

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