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Guidance Manual for Tanker Structures, 2024 Consolidated Edition/Руководство по конструкциям танкеров, сборник 2024 года

Артикул: 00-01030822
в желания Нет в наличии
Издательство: Witherby (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
ISBN: 978-1-914993-62-6
Год: 2024
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 296
Вес: 1265 г
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Книга на английском языке
This publication is based on the experience and methods used by members of the Tanker Structure Co-operative Forum (TSCF), which includes shipowners, operators and classification societies. The 300-page book compiles the information needed to evaluate ballast and cargo tanker designs and covers survey preparation and execution guidelines, maintenance guidelines, and survey data analysis.

Introduction to the 2024 Consolidated Edition
Chapter One - Survey Preparation Guidelines
1.1 Survey Requirements
1.1.1 Class and Statutory Requirements
1.1.2 Owner's Requirements
1.2 Safety and Access
1.2.1 Safety During Surveys
1.2.2 Access to the Structure
1.3 Ultrasonic Thickness Determination
1.3.1 Survey Team Qualifications
1.3.2 Basic Equipment Types
1.3.3 Thickness Measurement Accuracy
1.3.4 Measurement Procedures
1.4 Technical Background for Surveys
1.4.1 Nomenclature
1.4.2 Structural Load Descriptions
1.4.3 Structural Defects
1.4.4 Fatigue
1.4.5 Typical Corrosion Patterns
1.4.6 Factors Influencing Corrosion
1.4.7 Corrosion Trends in Tank Spaces
1.4.8 In-Service Corrosion Rates
1.4.9 Corrosion Control Systems
Chapter Two - Survey Execution Guidelines
2.1 Introduction
2.2 General Planning Requirements
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Data Collection and Reporting - Databases
2.3 Structural Aspects
2.3.1 Tank Bottom Structures
2.3.2 Side Shell, Longitudinal and Transverse Bulkheads
2.3.3 Deckhead Structures
2.4 Risk Categories
2.4.1 Corrosion
2.4.2 Structural Elements
2.5 Classification Society Surveys/IACS Unified Requirements for Hull Surveys of Double Hull Oil Tankers
2.5.1 General
2.5.2 Special Survey
2.5.3 Annual Survey
2.5.4 Intermediate Survey
2.5.5 Preparation for Survey
2.6 Owner's Surveys
2.6.1 General
2.6.2 General Condition Survey
2.6.3 Detailed Condition Survey
2.6.4 Corrosion Rate Survey
2.6.5 Repair Specification Survey
Chapter Three - Survey Data Analysis Guidelines
3.1 Method of Assessment
3.1.1 Steel Condition
3.1.2 Coating Condition Assessment
3.1.3 Cathodic Protection System Assessment
3.2 Structural Integrity
3.3 Acceptance Criteria
Chapter Four - Maintenance and Repair Guidelines
4.1 General
4.2 Type of Repair
4.3 Maintenance and Repair Methods
4.3.1 Repairs of Existing Coated Areas in Segregated Ballast Tanks
4.3.2 Repairs of Uncoated Areas in Cargo Tanks
4.3.3 Pitting and Grooving Repair
4.3.4 Steel Renewal
4.3.5 Steel Reinforcement
4.3.6 Steel Design Modification
4.3.7 Repairs of Structural Defects
4.4 Optimum Maintenance and Repair Strategy
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Short-Term Maintenance and Repair Programme
4.4.3 Long-Term Maintenance and Repair Programme
Appendix I Background to Forum Activities
Appendix II IACS Unified Requirements UR Z10.4
Appendix III IACS Rec No. 72: Confined Space Safe Practice
Appendix IV Catalogue of Structural Detail Failures
Appendix V In-Service Corrosion Rate Studies
Appendix VI Structural Inspection Guidelines
Appendix VII Assessment of Existing Surface Coating Systems

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