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Marine Emergencies for Masters and Mates. Морские чрезвычайные ситуации для капитанов и помощников

Артикул: 00-01021327
в желания В наличии
Автор: D. J. House
Издательство: Routledge (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London and New York
ISBN: 978-1-315-77069-7
Год: 2014
Формат: А4
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 273
Вес: 685 г
2500 P
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This book is an influential guide to marine emergencies and the current strategies that canbe employed to cope with the immediate after-effects and ramifications of disaster at sea.Many mariners will at some point in their marine careers become involved in one sort ofemergency or another, while in port or at sea, whether it is a fire on board, a collision withanother vessel or an engine failure threatening a lee shore. Actions to take in such incidentscan be the difference between survival and catastrophic loss.This text provides a direct insight into some of the latest incidents and includes: case studies from emergencies worldwide checklists and suggestions for emergency situations everything from fire and collision right through to the legal implications of salvage.

About the Author
Terminology and Definitions Associated with Marine Emergencies
1 Collision (Ship to Ship) at Sea
Collision: Immediate Effects
Impact Damage
Legal Actions of the Master (Under the Merchant Shipping Act)
General Actions Following Initial Response to a Collision
Incorporation and Use of Checklists
Communications Following a Collision
Voyage Data Recorder (Black Box Recorder)
Note of Protest
The Role of the Ship’s Chief Officer (in the Aftermath of Collision)
Collision Patch Construction
Collision Patch Materials
Port of Refuge
Port of Refuge and General Average
Damage Control Parties
Passenger Ship Collision
Tanker Collision
Collision: Typical Damage/Repair Assessment (Hypothetical)
2 Taking the Ground: Grounding, Beaching, Stranding and Docking
Running Aground 2
Incident Report: Loss of the Riverdance
Incident Report: MSC Napoli (Container Vessel)
Grounding/Beaching Summary
Case Study: Running Aground
Immediate Actions
Soundings and Use of Lead Line
Emergency Dry Docking
3 The Lee Shore and the Use of Emergency Anchors
What is the Lee Shore?
Loss of Steering
Steering Gear Operations
Lee Shore: Loss of Main Engine Power
Master’s Options
Relevant Anchor Work
Example Stern/Kedge Anchor
Kedge Anchor
Chain Cable/Stud Link: General Information
Heavy Weather Encounter
Case Study: The Loss of the M.V. Braer (89,730 dwt)
4 Fire on Board
The Outbreak of Fire on Board the Ship
Fire Support Units
Fire Parties
Firefighting Teams
CO2 Maintenance
Security against Accidental Release of CO2
Example Fires
Case Incident
5 Abandonment
Loss of the Ship
The Aftermath of the Herald of Free Enterprise 1
The Loss of Costa Concordia, Passenger Cruise Ship
Abandonment Psychology
Passenger Behaviour
Incident Report
Exposure to Risk
Evacuation by Free Fall Lifeboat
Totally Enclosed Lifeboats
Maintenance Programme for Life Saving Appliances
Evacuation by Inflatable Liferaft 1
Evacuation by Davit-Launched Liferaft
The Role of Rescue Boats in Abandonment
Rescue Boat Operations
Example Liferaft Operations
Evacuation by Means of Marine Evacuation Systems
Shipboard Emergency Drills
Evacuation by Helicopter
Helicopter Operations
Helicopter/Shipboard Operations
Surface-to-Air Medical Evacuation (MediVac)
Helicopter Hi-Line Capabilities
Helicopter Incident Report
Miscellaneous Facts (Related to an Abandonment Situation)
6 Marine Pollution
Introduction 137
Terminology and Definitions affecting Tanker and Gas Carrier Vessels
Pollutants Other than Oils
The Causes of Maritime Pollution
The Design of the Oil Tanker
Oil Tankers
Pipeline Connections
Anti-Pollution Measures
Oil Spills
Exxon Valdez, 23 March 1989
Lightening Operations (Ship-to-Ship Transfer)
Ship-to-Ship Oil Transfer
Recovery of Floating Oil Pipelines
Oil Movement 157
Incident Report: Grounding of the Drilling Rig Kulluk, 30 December 2012
Oil Recovery Equipment
Ballast Water Movement
7 Towing and Salvage Hazards
Tug Operations
Harbour and Port Authority Tugs
Oceangoing Salvage Tugs
The Work of the Towmaster
Tugs and Emergency Towing
Tug Approval Surveys
Cargo Deck Barges (Pontoons)
The Insurable Risk
Sheer Legs in Salvage Use
Salvage Contact
Quality of Information
8 Miscellaneous and Routine Leading to Potential Hazards
Enclosed Space Entry
Fog Encounter
Dangers Associated with Restricted Visibility
Doubling Watches
Ice Navigation
Man Overboard (MoB)
Example Turning Manoeuvres
Rescue Boat Activity
Boarding or Disembarking Marine Pilots
Navigational Pitfalls of ECDIS
Search Patterns Associated with IAMSAR
Determination of Track Space
Duties of the On-Scene Coordinator
Example Checklists
The Activities of the US Coast Guard
Emergency Communications
The Use of Distress Signals
Annex 1: Question and Suggested Answers for Senior Officers: Towards Marine
Annex 2: Notable Shipping Incidents
Annex 3: Lloyd’s Standard Form of Salvage Agreement: No Cure - No Pay
Annex 4: Lloyd’s Standard Form of Salvage Agreement: Salvage and Arbitration Clauses
Annex 5: Lloyd’s Standard Form of Salvage Agreement: Procedural Rules
Annex 6: International Salvage Union: Sub-contract (Award Sharing) 2001

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