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182 MSF Rev. 3 International Guidelines for The Safe Operation of Dynamically Positioned Offshore Supply Vessels/Международные руководящие принципы по безопасной эксплуатации динамически расположенных морских судов снабжения

  • 182 MSF Rev. 3 International Guidelines for The Safe Operation of Dynamically Positioned Offshore Supply Vessels/Международные руководящие принципы по безопасной эксплуатации динамически расположенных морских судов снабжения
Артикул: 00-01023255
в желания В наличии
Автор: IMCA
Издательство: IMCA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
Год: 2018
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 51
Вес: 186 г
800 P
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Издание на английском языке
These guidelines are based on the specific characteristics of DP equipped offshore supply vessel operations. In particular, unlike many other DP vessel operations, offshore supply vessels can, under normal operating circumstances:
- Terminate supply operations and move away from the offshore installation at a moment’s notice; and/or
- Safely manoeuvre through the use of independent joystick or "manual" control whilst supply operations are being carried out.
Such operations are usually only of short duration. It should be noted, however, that the above may not be possible when handling bulk cargo through hoses whereby safe disconnection times should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, as offshore supply vessels routinely operate in close proximity to offshore structures and therefore pose a significant collision risk, all supply operations close to such structures should be considered as critical activities.

International Guidelines for the Safe Operation of Dynamically Positioned Offshore Supply Vessels
November 2018
1 Introduction
1.1 Basis of these Guidelines
1.2 Application of these Guidelines
1.3 Purpose and Scope
1.4 Abbreviations
1.5 Terms and Definitions
2 Existing Rules and Guidance
2.1 International Rules and Guidance
2.2 Flag State Verification and Acceptance Document (FSVAD)
2.3 Classification Societies
2.4 Regional Rules and Guidance
2.5 DP System and Verification
3 Managing Risk in DP Operations
3.1 Key DP Personnel Competence - Training and Certification
3.2 DP Offshore Supply Vessel Manning
4 Managing Risk in DP Operations - Operations
4.1 DP Offshore Supply Vessel Capability
4.2 Guidance on Activity-Based Operational Planning
4.3 Critical Activity Mode of Operation (CAM)
4.4 Activity Specific Operating Guidance
4.5 Guidance on the Application of CAM, TAM and ASOG
4.6 DP Operations Manual
4.7 List of DP Operational Procedures
4.8 DP Station Keeping Event Reporting
5 Managing Risk in DP Operations - Practical Application
5.1 Guiding Principles when Comparing Weather Conditions with Spinning Reserve against Loss of 50% of Available Power
1 Relevant Publications
2 DP FMEA and Annual Trials
3 Annual DP Trials
4 DP Capability Plot
5 DP Footprint Plot
6 DP Vessel Specific Location Checks Document
7 Sample DP Watchkeeping Handover Checklist
8 DP Station Keeping Event Reporting
9 Examples of Critical Activity Mode of Operation (CAM)
10 Example of Activity Specific Operating Guideline (ASOG)

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