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Value Creation in the Maritime Chain of Transportation, The Role of Carriers, Ports and Third Parties in Liner and Bulk Shipping/Ценообразование в морской транспортной цепочке, роль перевозчиков, портов и третьих сторон в линейных и массовых перевозках

  • Value Creation in the Maritime Chain of Transportation, The Role of Carriers, Ports and Third Parties in Liner and Bulk Shipping/Ценообразование в морской транспортной цепочке, роль перевозчиков, портов и третьих сторон в линейных и массовых перевозках
Артикул: 00-01022940
в желания В наличии
Автор: Thomas Roslyng Olesen
Издательство: CBS MARITIME (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-87-93262-01-0
Год: 2015
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 38
Вес: 93 г
800 P
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Издание на английском языке
This present report "Value Creation in the Maritime Chain of Transportation – The role of carriers, ports and third parties in liner and bulk shipping" presents preliminary insights from a broader mapping project examining value creation logics in the maritime value chain. It explains the roles of various actors in the maritime chain of transportation and examines how these actors create value. The report builds on interviews with key players in the maritime value chain combined with studies of the extant shipping industry literature.

Purpose and methodology
The carrier: the shipping company or ship operator
The role of (independent) third parties
The link between the consignor and the shipping company
Agents of affreightment in liner shipping
The Freight Forwarder
The Liner Agent
Agents of affreightment in tramp shipping
The Chartering Broker
The distribution of assets
Chartering brokers and P&S brokers
The port operations phase
Ports and terminal operators
The port agents
Third party ship management

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