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Directory of Seafarers Centres/Справочник центров моряков

  • Directory of Seafarers Centres/Справочник центров моряков
Артикул: 00-01021581
в желания В наличии
Автор: ITF
Издательство: International Transport Workers' Federation (все книги издательства)
Год: 2011
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 152
Вес: 195 г
1500 P
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Издание на английском языке
An ICSW directory of welfare centres for seafarers to give information on what is available in different ports. Compiled by the ICSW (International Committee for the Welfare of Seamen).

List of ICSW members:
- Association pour la Gestion des Institutions Sociales Maritimes, France
- Association Ivorienne de Gestion des Institutions Sociaux Maritimes, Ivory Coast
- Anglo Eastern Ship Management, Hong Kong
- Associazione Stella Maris Friends (Onlus), Venice
- Australian Port Welfare Foundation, Melbourne
- Centre for Seafarers' Welfare, India
- Danish Government Seamen's Service
- Federation des Associations d’Accueil des Marins, France
- Federazione Stella Maris, Italy
- Finnish Government Seamen's Service
- Georgian Seafarers’ Union
- International Christian Maritime Association
- International Confederation of Water Transport Workers Unions
- International Maritime Consulting Mission, Klaipeda
- International Seamen's House, Antwerp
- International Shipping Federation
- International Transport Worker's Federation
- Japan Seafarers' Welfare Association
- LIFE International Seafarers Centers
- Maritime Training Institute, Karachi
- Merchant Navy Welfare Board, UK
- Nigeria Seafarers' Welfare Board
- Norwegian Government Seamen's Service
- Polish Seamen's Welfare Society
- Leiv Eiriksson Centre Inc, Miami
- Romania Welfare Port Committee
- Seafarers' House San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Seafarers' Welfare Association of India
- Seamen’s House Prospect Park YMCA, New York
- Seamen's Christian Friend Society
- Seamen's House Rotterdam
- Sjomannadagsrad (Seamen's Day Organisation), Iceland
- Swedish Seamen's Service
- Teekay Shipping (Glasgow) Ltd
- United Seamen's Service
- Wallem Ship Management, India
- Welfare Council of Harbour Gdynia
- Working Lives Research Institute, London
- International Labour Organization
- ITF Seafarers’ Trust

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