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The written examinations in engineering knowledge for Merchant Navy Certificates of Competency Classes 1, 2 and 3 ail have the same general content. There are, of course, differences of emphasis and in the way that the questions are asked. Information in this book is intended to be of assistance to candidates for all of the papers.
This third edition of General Ragmeerwg Knowledge has been expanded and updated to cover changes in the examination questions and legislation introduced since the previous edition. The chapter on pollution prevention now includes sections on disposal of chemicals and garbage, in addition to notes on prevention of pollution by oil, the Clean Air Act and disposal of sewage. A new chapter on production of water by low-pressure evaporators and reverse osmosis contains notes on treatment to make the water potable and on problems with bacteria.
Noise, another form of pollution, is also associated with vibration and there is now a chapter dealing with both topics. The section on vibration covers its use as a means of monitoring the condition of machinery.
1 Centrifugal Pumps and Priming-Coolers and Cooling Systems-Pipelines and Corrosion
2 Hazards in Enclosed Spaces-Tankers-Cargo Pumping
3 Fire Protection
4 Fuel-Handling and Treatment-Self Cleaning Purifier-Automatic Combustion System for Auxiliary Boiler
5 Refrigeration-Air Conditioning-Heating
6 Metallurgical Tests
7 Stern Tubes, Seals and Shafting Systems
8 Steering Gear
9 Pollution Prevention-Monitoring-Oily Water Separator-Sewage Treatment
10 Production of Water
11 Noise and Vibration