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National windsurfing scheme syllabus and logbook. Программа обучения и бортовой журнал по виндсерфингу

Артикул: 00286956
в желания В наличии
Автор: Amanda Van Santen
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
ISBN: 978-1-9064-3573-8
Год: 2011
Переплет: Мягкий переплет
Страниц: 56
Вес: 69 г
783 P
730 P
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Издание на английском языке
Windsurfing offers something for everyone, an addictive sport for all ages and abilities. The RYA Scheme has been designed to help you progress rapidly through the sport whether you are looking to cruise around a lake or learn to jump off waves.
The revised scheme incorporates an incredibly effective and memorable coaching system by Simon Bomhoft, focusing on enhancing your progression throughout all aspects of the sport.
The RYA National Windsurfing Scheme acknowledges the need to provide training to suit all participants in a simple and flexible manner. The fantastic advances in equipment encourage speedy progression towards a competent ability.

Find the Right Windsurfing Course
RYA Windsurfing Syllabus
Introduction to the National Scheme Coaching
Start Windsurfing
An introduction to the sport - getting you up and sailing around
Intermediate Windsurfing: Non Planing
Slicker turns, improved stance and an introduction to the harness
Intermediate Windsurfing: Planing
Sailing in stronger winds and using the footstraps
Intermediate Windsurfing: Clinics
Specific clinics concentrating on beachstarting and gybing the board
Advanced Windsurfing
Improve your sailing skills in a variety of conditions and equipment
Advanced Windsurfing: Clinics
Everything an open water sailor needs to know about waterstarting and the infamous carve gybe; progressing on to advanced carving skills and confidence building in bump and jump сonditions and getting air.
Racing Syllabus
With 3 levels, the Racing Syllabus takes you from being a complete beginner to a competent racer.
What Next?
Personal Log
Sail Safe

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